
I'm Jerry Wohlgemuth.

about me

I'm a web developer with 10+ years experience, currently a Staff Engineer at Medallia.

For the past 6+ years, I've been working on Stella Connect, a B2B SaaS product for call centers. It's been really fun being a part of this product's growth from MVP to over $10 million in ARR to a successful $100 million acquisition by Medallia. While it's hard to attribute technology choices to a product's success, I think a simple architecture that allows for iteration and experimentation has played a non-trivial role in Stella's growth.

Before Stella, I cut my teeth at a small company called WMC Global. I started work as an analyst investigating fraud on mobile billing networks. It was here that I started to learn how to program and after a short time started building data-focused products for the company. This included an app to find fraud on ad networks and an auditing tool for mobile billing ads.

I did my studies in Policial Science and have a masters degree in it. My interests were focused on the use of Twitter by political actors in the European Union. I've coauthored two papers with tons of help from John Scherpereel, a professor at James Madison University.